Dates in Proteus MMX
Use the below to understand how the dates within Proteus MMX work
Dates in Proteus MMX
Requested Date – This date defaults to the date entered; the service request number reflects the date created and is carried through to the work order. The requested date cannot be changed.
Required Date – This is the date the requester wants the work done. It can be edited/changed by the person responsible for turning service requests into work orders. It cannot be set to a date prior to today.
When the Service request is turned into a work order, or when a demand work order is created, the work order number reflects that date. Time is kept in the system and displayed in the date created/activated.
Date Created/Activated – This is the date and time the work order has been created.
Required Date – This is the date the requester wants the work done. It can be edited/changed by the person responsible for turning service requests into work orders. It cannot be set to a date prior to today.
Work Started Date – This date is dependent on a work order setting. Under the work order setting, if a box is checked, the work order start date will copy from the task and labor start date when using the mobile application. If no mobile is being used, the work started date will need to be entered manually on the desktop work order.
Work Completed Date – This date is dependent on a global setting. Under the work order setting, if a box is checked, the work order completion date will copy from the task and labor completion date when using the mobile application. If no mobile is being used, the work completed date will need to be entered manually on the desktop work order.
Required Date – No change in definition from Open Work Orders
Work Started Date – No change in definition from Open Work orders
Completion Date – No change in definition from Open Work Orders
Date Created/Activated - No change in definition from Open Work Orders
Closed Date – This is the date the work order is closed
Activation Date – This is either the date the demand work order was created or the date the PM was activated by the scheduler.
Work Order Open Days – The time in days, hours, and minutes that the work order was open to the closed time. Even if the work is completed, until the work order is closed, the time open continues. A work order may have a required date and be completed on that required date, but until it is closed, the time open continues to accumulate.
There are no specific dates in the work order Master.
Schedule Initiation Date – When creating a new schedule, it is the date the schedule will activate. This date is today or a future date. If the date selected is a specific day of the week and that day is passed, it will initiate the next cycle where that date will match. When scheduling other than today’s date, the user will be given a chance to review the schedule in the scheduled preview. If the work order activates once saved, the preview will show when the future work orders activate as well as today’s work order.
Next Occurrence Date – Based on the schedule as it is entered or changed, this date reflects when the work order will activate next.
Last Occurrence Date - This date reflects the last time the work order was activated.
Manual Activation Date – If someone activates a Master Work Order Manually, this date will show in the manual activation date. If it has never been activated manually, it will be blank.